location - If you need to specify an IP address, you can fill in the area code here, click here to see all area codes;
life - If you need to keep a sticky session, you can fill in the time you need to keep the session here, up to a maximum of 120min for a sticky session;
session - this parameter does not need to be filled in by you. According to the time you fill in, the system will automatically generate the corresponding code.
Taking python as an example, if you want to set your IP locale to USA and sticky session length to 10min, you can refer to the following code:
import requests
# Parameters are set to the corresponding sub-account, password, location information, session duration
proxyip = "http://username:password-location=US-life=10-session=sessioncode@ahk.luckdata.io:58990"
# The target API address, here https://api.ip.cc, prints your IP address information after you run it
url = "https://api.ip.cc"
proxies = {
'https': proxyip,
'https': proxyip,
# Sending GET Requests Using Proxies
response = requests.get(url=url, proxies=proxies)
# Print the response