How to Use Google Translate API in Python: Easy Multi-Language Translation

In today’s globalized internet era, communication across languages has become more important than ever. Google Translate API is a popular automated translation tool that provides powerful multi-language support, making it easy for developers to integrate translation features.

What is Google Translate API?

Google Translate API is a service provided by Google that allows developers to integrate translation capabilities into their applications. This API supports over 100 languages, including English, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and many others, enabling automatic translation of text in your programs. Whether you are developing translation software, automating language processing tasks, or need real-time translation on your website, Google Translate API is a powerful tool to consider.

Why Choose Google Translate API?

  • Wide Language Support: Supports over 100 languages, handling various translation needs.

  • High-Quality Translations: Google’s translation technology offers significant advantages in accuracy and fluency.

  • Flexible and Affordable Pricing: Using the API for programmatic integration can drastically reduce costs compared to using Google Translate directly.

  • Fast and Stable Service: Google Translate API offers reliable network connections with low latency response times.

How to Use Google Translate API in Python?

Step 1: Obtain API Key

First, you need to register on LuckData and obtain an API key. LuckData provides a simple Google Translate API service, which helps reduce costs while maintaining translation quality. You can choose from several pricing plans:

  • Free Version: 100 credits per month, suitable for light use.

  • Basic Version: $20 per month, providing 98,000 credits, suitable for medium use.

  • Pro Version: $50 per month, providing 500,000 credits, suitable for high-frequency use.

  • Ultra Version: $160 per month, providing 2,000,000 credits, suitable for heavy use.

Step 2: Install Requests Library

To access the Google Translate API in Python, you will need to install the requests library. Open your terminal and enter the following command:

pip install requests

Step 3: Write Python Code

Once the requests library is installed, you can start writing code to access the Google Translate API. Here is a simple example to demonstrate how to translate text using the API:

Code Example: Supported Languages List

import requests

headers = {

'X-Luckdata-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY' # Replace with your API key


response = requests.get(




# Print the list of supported languages


Code Example: Translate Text

import requests

headers = {

'X-Luckdata-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY' # Replace with your API key


json_data = {

"to": "ja", # Target language (e.g., Japanese)

"from": "auto", # Automatically detect source language

"text": "Hello, how are you?" # Text to translate


response =





# Print the translated text


In the above code:

  • The to field specifies the target language code (e.g., "ja" for Japanese).

  • The from field specifies the source language, and "auto" will automatically detect the source language.

  • The text field contains the text you want to translate.

Step 4: View Translation Result

When you run the above code, you will receive a JSON response containing the translated text. For example, if you translate "Hello, how are you?" into Japanese, the response might look like this:


"translatedText": "こんにちは、お元気ですか?"


How to Choose the Right Google Translate API Version?

Choosing the right API version based on your needs is important. Here are some recommendations:

  • If you only need to translate a few pieces of text occasionally, the Free Version or Basic Version would be a good fit.

  • If your project requires frequent API calls, the Pro Version or Ultra Version would be more suitable as they offer higher request rates and more credits.

  • For enterprise-level applications, the Pro Version and Ultra Version are the most appropriate, providing stable and efficient service.


Google Translate API is a powerful and easy-to-integrate translation tool that offers precise language translation services for your applications. With the API provided by LuckData, you can easily implement translation functionality while saving costs compared to using Google Translate directly. The API is also simple to use in Python, with just a few steps to get started.

Whether it's for personal projects or enterprise applications, Google Translate API is a translation solution worth considering. If you have any questions about API integration, pricing, or additional features, LuckData's professional technical support will provide you with comprehensive assistance.

By using LuckData’s Google Translate API, you can easily overcome language barriers and step into a more internationalized future.